"The EBUCore has been designed to make users benefit from the\n flexibility of RDF to adapt the names of Classes and properties to their respective needs.\n This means users are welcome to add their own subclasses (e.g. to define the most appropriate\n BusinessObjects or Resources or Agents) and subproperties."@en . "Add geoblocking, licensing, copyright, targetPlatform as a\n subproperties of description as a shortcut to provide such usage restrictions without the\n heavy use of asset."@en . "Add rightsStart/EndDateTime and righst\n Duration."@en . "Note to implementers: The EBUCore ontology is used by a variety of\n users with different needs. Several EBUCore properties have no range to allow different\n implementations using entities or literals. As an implementer, it is your choice to go for one\n or the other for each property to have consistent expectations when parsing individuals.\n EBUCore also provides different classes defined as subclasses of skos:Concept. You can use\n these classes as entities in range of several properties currently left without range. EBUCore\n is expressed in RDF in order to facilitate such modelling and flexibility. As a consequence,\n propoerties appear in the documentation as annotation properties."@en . "stable"@en . "Vincent Dabouineau, francetelevisions"@fr . "Kim Viljanen, YLE"@fi . "For more information:\n https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UlgGP6y4OUd42zvMMNqwuRGwR9F3FTmZDBNGtCt4naE/edit#gid=1207986909."@en . "Add Locator class."@en . "Enrich list of EOs from CCDM school discussion e.g.\n BreakingNewsItem..."@en . "Change hasEvent and hasLocation into hasRelatedEVent and\n hasRelatedLocation."@en . "Add hasAgentBiography"@en . "Hugo Manguinhas, Europeana"@nl . "Move Character as subclass of Agent to allow characters other\n than persons (e.g. animals)"@en . "Change Domain of isAgent from Cast to Agent."@en . "Add missing artefactBrand."@en . "Casey Davis, WGBH"@en-us . "Add agentFee and agentAge."@en . "Add hasBeenAwarded with domain Agent."@en . "Add relation hasRelatedAsset with domain\n BusinessObject."@en . "Add rightsTerritory/includes/Excludes."@en . "Add dateProduced with domain Resource or\n BusinessObject."@en . "Add firstShowingThisService with domain\n PublicationEvent."@en . "Add tag as a subproperty of description to provide\n tags."@en . "Add missing relations from EBUCore schema: has/isParent,\n has/isChild, has/isMaster..."@en . "European Broadcasting Union (EBU)"@ch . "Add Platform as a subclass of Service."@en . "EBUCore - the Dublin Core for media"@en . . "Add new class UsageRestriction as subclass of\n Rights."@en . "Add hasArtefactRelatedLocation."@en . "Karen Cariani, WGBH"@en-us . "Sadie Roosa, WGBH"@en-us . "Add agentRelatedInformationLink and\n agentRelatedPressLink."@en . "Add personName for compound names"@en . "Matthieu Parmentier, francetelevisions"@fr . "Rebecca Guenther, Rebecca Guenther Consulting"@en-us . "Valerie J. Miller, PBS"@en-us . "Christophe Debruyne, RIA"@ie . "Adam Wead, Penn State University"@en-us . "http://www.ebu.ch/metadata/ontologies/ebucore/ebucore#" . "Change domain of seasonNumber to EditorialObject for more\n flexibility in implementation."@en . "Change partType into hasPartType. Same with publicationEventType,\n and resourceType."@en . "Glenn Clatworthy, PBS"@en-us . "Jack Brighton, WILL Public Media"@en-us . "Knut-Olav Hoven, NRK"@no . "Add hasRelatedPublicationChannel with domain\n PublicationEvent."@en . "Cliff Ingham, City of Bloomington"@en-us . . "Add artefactComment."@en . "Add totalNumberOfgroupMembers with domain Group and\n totalNumberOfEpisodes with domain Series or Season."@en . "Jean Pierre Evain, EBU"@ch . "Add hasImageCodec as subproperty of hasCodec."@en . "Robert Engels, NRK"@no . "Add Award (for BO/EO, Contributor) and associated\n properties."@en . "Guidelines: for the purpose of flexibility and interoperability\n with a wider range of implementations, some properties purposefully do not have a range and\n accept either a resource or a literal. When a resource is used, it is recommended to reuse\n objects defined in the model (e.g. pair hasEvent/Event or hasRole/Role). Example 1: x hasRole\n 'actor'. Example 2: x hasRole _:Role_1 (a reference to the Concept Id from a SKOS Role\n vocabulary defined in the ontology)."@en . "Julie Hardesty, Indian University Library"@en-us . . "Change countryOfResidence and agentNationality into\n hasAgentCountryOfResidence and hasAgentNationality"@en . "Add ebucore:placeOfDeath as subproperty of\n core:placeOfDeath"@en . "Guillaume Rachez, Perfect Memory"@fr . "Add agentPreviousName."@en . "Add hasCountryOfBirth and hasCountryOfDeath"@en . "Change artefactPriceCurrency into hasArtefactPriceCurrency to\n allow using Concept / currency codes."@en . "Add hasProducer as subproperty of\n hasContributor."@en . "Add isDistributedOn with domain EditorialObject and range string\n or Platform."@en . "Add timeCreated to BusinessObject and Resource"@en . "Mark Guelbahar, IRT"@de . "Add new Relation class to describe complex\n relations."@en . . "Replace AudioChannel with AudioObject for better ADM compliance.\n Change AudioChannelPurpose into AudioTrackPurpose, Change audioChannelNumber into\n audioTrackNumber. Add a relation hasRelatedAudioObject with domain\n MediaResource."@en . "Define Resource and BusinessObject as subclass of Asset. Add\n properties hasAssetRelatedResource, hasAssetRelatedBusinessObject and hasAssetEditorialObject\n (for harmonisation with CCDM)."@en . "Peggy Griesinger, George Mason University\n Libraries"@en-us . "Add Licensing as a subclass of Rights"@en . "Chuck McCallum, WGBH"@en-us . "Change AudioChannelPurpoose into AudioTrackPurpose, a subclass of\n skos:Concept."@en . "Are Tverberg, TV2"@no . "Add flag midRollAdAllowed with domain Essence."@en . "Michael J. Giarlo, Penn State University"@en-us . "Add isAgent relation"@en . "Add hasRelatedPublicationChannel to\n PublicationEvent"@en . "Hugo Cordier, SetKeeper"@fr . "Add AudioProgrammeType, AudioContentType, TextLineType as\n sub-classes of Concept and associated hasxxx properties."@en . "Remove placeOfBirth and placeOfDeath in conflict with\n hasPlaceOfBirth and hasPlaceofDeath"@en . "Copyright 2015 EBU"@en . "Add dateOfRetirement"@en . "Version draft 1.9"@en . "Tormod Vaervagen, NRK"@no . "Add hasLocationRelatedAsset."@en . "Add isPartOf with domain Part and range\n EditorialObject."@en . "J\u00FCrgen Grupp, SRG"@ch . "Cedric Klein, Perfect Memory"@fr . . "Add\n hasEventRelatedLocation/Event/Artefact/BusinessObject/Event"@en . "Dalia R. Levine, HBO"@en-us . "Move cast, crew, staff as subclasses of Agent."@en . "Add Person weight and height."@en . "Drew Myers, WGBH"@en-us . "Add hasAgentRelatedArtefact"@en . "Laurence Cook, metaCirque"@en-us . "Add missing class Element."@en . "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" . "Kara van Malssen, AV Preserve"@en-us . "Rebecca Fraimow, WGBH"@en-us . "The development of the EBUCore ontology is a joint effort of the\n EBUCore and PBCore communities."@en . "Valentine Charles, Europeana"@nl . "Correction: empty range for hasRelatedEvent and\n hasRelatedLocation"@en .